Wednesday, February 24, 2021

e-EQE 2021 Mock3 - Experience & Tips
© UNIwise
On 23 Feb Mock3 was held as an extra test mainly for your setup: 
  • 0930-1300 CET ME (B only - not a new paper, but Mock2)
  • 1530-1640 CET - PE (one flow - not a new paper, but Mock1, Mock2)
Mock3 was your last chance to test under close-to-exam conditions. Different to Mock2, was the availability of an increased number of invigilators to help with problems and some monitoring of candidates (this picture is old - it is missing the audio/voice monitoring). See below for my comments on things that seemed new, and notes from the many messages I got before, during and after.

1. Resources (check regularly for updates):

2. Telegram group(s)
  • During and after Mock3, members of the main group exchanged tips, discussed problems in close-to-real time and helped each other. This is a very good way to beta-test software.
  • The main group has 210 members, so the conversations were getting a little chaotic. Ignacio has now added 3 more: a summer study group for EQE 2022 preparation, an (ABC+PE claims analysis) group and a (D+PE legal) group. The main group will be more for general issues, and WISEflow + LockDown Browser + Zendesk issues.
    • Mainly for students to discuss with others, but also open to any tutors. Group rules: no discussions of ways to cheat, no exchanges of large sections of copyrighted materials (excerpts, annotated examples, WIPO/EPO docs etc. are allowed)

3. Hardware / software
  • Some problems may be due to using a company computer where you don't have full admin rights. For example, blocked urls, a missing chat window in Zendesk, changing IP addresses, automatic virus scans, screensavers that cannot be disabled, updates that cannot be disabled.  
    • If you cannot solve the problems, you may have to switch to a personal laptop or PC, and either log on to the company guest network, and/or do the exam from a different location.
  • During Mock3, many candidates had problems with the camera turning off after some time during the exam (entry image and initial testing by LockDown Browser were all done successfully). It is not clear why this happens. The LockDown Browser does not generate an error or warning. It should be detected by the invigilators dashboard - if they have time and it lasts too long, they should contact you to find out.
  • If you notice the camera is off (e.g. LED turns off), report it as soon as possible in Zendesk chat (you likely will not know how long it has been off). 
  • Solution (ME): Refresh Browser (Click on browser "refresh" icon top-left). If this does not work, you may need to exit the LockDown Browser.
  • Solution (PE): For Pre-Exam, LockDown Browser works differently - you will need to enter flow AND invigilator password after a refresh before you can continue. So, you need to wait for instructions from Zendesk if you do not have the invigilator password to refresh.  If this does not work, you may need to exit the LockDown Browser.
4. Invigilation
  • Some confusion about the AI monitoring. Surprisingly, the AI does not automatically generate warnings if you move your face out of view or speak. Your camera and microphone are sampled, and the invigilators have a dashboard (see picture above) with the real time status. For example, the degree of facial recognition is monitored. If one of them is "zero" or "low" (e.g. if you move too much), you should go to the top of the list, and they may contact you. But it depends on how busy they are. 
  • When you hear the "bip" sound, you click on the Zendesk chat tab - there are no pop up messages.
  • Not being contacted does not mean that everything you did was acceptable.
  • After the exam, this data is combined with other inputs to generate a profile. All data collected is used afterwards to determine whether suspicious behaviour is suspected. The AI will generate a list of possible suspicious behaviour, which will be further analysed by people. It is the people who make the decisions.
  • Some confusion about Zendesk. You must start Zendesk chat immediately (via External Resources) after starting Lockdown Browser. It must remain activated for the whole exam.
  • However, if Lockdown Browser crashes, you can open a normal browser (Chrome etc) window, go to and login instead. Once you restart Lockdown Browser, you need to activate the Zendesk chat again.
  • More invigilators were available compared to Mock2, and some people chatted with them. They also attempted to solve hardware/software problems with others. People asking for the invigilator password had to typically wait 20 - 30 mins. 
    • during the exam, there will be more invigilators available
    • after 30 mins, any active chat automatically timed-out
  • You can email a transcript of your Zendesk chat (before end of exam and before time-out) by clicking on three dots on bottom right and entering your email address. It gives you a full timestamped history. 
    • But if you or the invigilator leave the chat, then the next contact will create a new transcript which has to be requested separately

Saturday, February 20, 2021

e-EQE 2021: Code of Conduct and creating your own evidence

Updated 26 Feb 21
Updated 23 Feb 21 after Mock 3
Updated 21 Feb with comment on software under ItC 14 and ItC 32.
Fri 19 Feb, EPO published the updated Instructions to Candidates (OJEPO Feb 21), and a related Code of Conduct (19 Feb 21) on the official EQE page. All candidates need to read the latest version

  • ItC 43 is an End User Agreement where you implicitly confirm agreement by taking an exam
  • It seems likely that you will need to explicitly accept them as well before the exam (like the UK PEB exams)
  • Also read the Data Protection Statement (v2 - undated), on the same page so you know who is retaining what data, and your right to access, rectify, erase and receive your personal data, as well as restrict its processing or object to the same. Reference is made to the EPO Guidelines for Protection of Personal Data (Apr 19) which is on the Data protection & privacy page. 
    • In general, personal data is deleted max. 30 months (2.5 years) after exam, or after appeal. 
    • Chat content is retained for 120 days (4 months), facial images, audio and biometric data deleted after 6 months, but if suspected misconduct or appeal, EPO will make a copy and retain for max. 30 months (2.5 years).
General comments
  • Disclaimer: these are my general impressions, and will not cover all individual cases. I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice. If you are worried, then talk to your mentor or contact
  • The intention of these rules is to provide a framework to sanction anyone who seriously breaches the rules or tries to cheat. 
  • If you do your best to comply with the spirit and letter of all the regulations and instructions, there should be no problems.
    • But different to in-person exams, potentially suspicious behaviour will be flagged by AI software. All the audio / visual / computer / network / keyboard / mouse inputs from each candidate are analysed after the exam (ItC 36, 37) and compared to other candidates (approx. 1000 for PE and approx. 2400 for some main exams). Decisions are not taken solely on these flags - the flags and the data collected will always be reviewed by the responsible EPO/epi members and they will contact you first. They also have your answers, how you answered, the speed and order of answering, and Zendesk chat interactions for analysis and comparison.
    • And different to in-person exams, if you accidentally breach an instruction, you may not be warned. The invigilators can see real-time some of the data, but they will mainly be using video and audio (ItC 25), and mostly occupied with major issues and emergencies (which includes being unable to do the exam because the Browser is locked). So, if you are not contacted by an invigilator, that does not mean that no issues were detected by the system. 
Measures you can take to create evidence 
  • You can expect that the rules will be interpreted in good faith, but the evidence being used is based on the data collection and AI. By complying with all the rules, you are the only witness. 
  • You will forget a lot of details because of the stress, and it may be several week before you are contacted. So, put yourself in the best position to support being unfairly flagged. 
  • But don't go crazy - these are just all tips I could find. At least do something - any evidence is better than none. And hope you don't need it.
  • Comply with the spirit and letter of all the regulations and instructions, before during and after the exam. Even if you think them trivial. 
  • Report any issues or conflicts with regulations BEFORE the exam, prepare alternative solutions, and test your system as much as possible.
  • Keep your mentor updated on all the problems, and make sure they know the exact circumstances you are taking the exam. Preferably, they should also see it, either in person or by video chat. If the mentor agrees, record the video chat with a time and GPS stamp. Or with photos with time and GPS stamp.
  • Before each exam, before you put your phone away, make a video with time and GPS stamp of the room, desk and computer. Include your point-of-view as you will take the exam, 360 degrees around, up and down. Under the desk, on top of the desk. Behind the monitor. Explain what everything is, and how they comply with the requirements. Mention anything you removed to comply with the requirements. Also include the ID you will be using. If there are glass walls and windows, show that they are covered. Show where the doors are, and what is on the other side. Pictures are also possible, but a video is stronger. If possible, include a witness or get someone else to film you. It should only take 5 - 10 minutes.
  • Put your phone out of the room (you don't want it to accidentally ring). Preferably, give your phone to someone else to keep during the whole exam.
  • Don't record video and/or audio during the exam as this itself is a breach of the rules.
  • During the exam, if something happens that could be flagged, report it in the invigilator chat and make a note on paper so you don't forget. If you interact with an invigilator, note the name on paper.
    • Tip from candidate: you can email a transcript of your Zendesk chat (before end of exam) by clicking on three dots on bottom right and entering your email address. It gives you a full timestamped history. But if you or the invigilator leave the chat, then the next contact will create a new transcript which has to be requested separately.
  • AFTER the exam, report any issues that happened during the exam as soon as possible. 
  • If have made notes on paper or annotated printed pages, store them safely and scan them in. 
  • Store the unedited videos, photos and files somewhere safe. 
  • Optionally, you may want to timestamp the files using a third party. Use the same facilities to create proof as for copyright, trade secrets and rights of continued use against patent infringement: 
    • Create a SHA-2 hash fingerprint yourself using They have their own register of certificates (free)
    • WIPO Proof - store the files yourself unaltered, no file size limit, create and register a digital fingerprint, store the fingerprint yourself (20 CHF) 
    • i-DEPOT - upload up to 100MB of one or more files (any format), create and register a certified pdf, BMM retains it for 5 years, you can download a copy (EUR 40)
  • DON'T send the helpdesk all your videos and files.
  • If something did happen, consider requesting a copy of the data they collected as described above (although it can take up to 3 months)
  • If you are accused of suspicious behaviour, don't just send all your videos and files and hope for the best. Talk to a colleague or mentor. You will need to respond seriously, offering to supply selected parts of the evidence. Handle it like receiving a "cease and desist" letter.
CLICK BELOW FOR MORE (comments on Instructions and Code of Conduct)

Friday, February 19, 2021

e-EQE 2021: Mock2 - D2 Exam - My methodology & solution

Update 26 Feb 22: epi link updated.
Thanks to epi for the Mock2 exams and model solutions - they may not be perfect, but I know how much work it is to make these materials.
  • During my first attempt at an e-EQE D2 in Mock1, I tried it mainly on paper. This time, for Mock2, I tried to use the copy/paste much more: for all the things I normally highlight, I just copied the whole paragraphs to the top of my answer instead. I also copy/pasted parts of the answer that were similar in structure and wording.
  • My answer was made in Wordpad, which is similar to the Lockdown Browser answer tab. It is a mess, but that is what a real answer looks like 😊. 
  • I also did not finish in the allotted time, but I was also looking at the Methodology. The EQE 2021 D2 will be shorter than this.
General tips on D2
  • See here for a presentation about how to approach D2
  • D2 is the most open-ended part of EQE: there is a "golden" solution they are looking for, but very few candidates find it, and it is not required for high marks
    • the marks per question are not given because they decide after the exam what the weighting should be based on how the exam was made
    • if few get to the end, then they give more marks for the situation-as-is. You cannot predict this when doing it, so push yourself to get as far as possible - there are a lot of marks for improving the clients position.
  • It is normal to have no idea of the answer when you start D2. Just work through the info as quickly as possible - once you know the patentability of all the claims (and unclaimed subject matter), it will start to fall into place.
  • Your answer is marked as a whole, so it does not matter where you answer the questions. But make sure you answer them - that is where the marks are.
    • They have a marking sheet of statements that they want to see. This marking sheet is the basis for the answer in the Examiners' Report = minimum needed for full marks. Typically it is about 1 mark per sentence.
  • There are no negative marks - you just lose time by going into great detail about "side-issues"
  • Anything you add to the facts given by applying knowledge is ANALYSIS and worth marks. Always include in your answer - if not sure where to put it, put under Initial Analysis
  • They like to ask about non-written disclosures. You need to deal with them like you would in opposition, not examination.
  • On D2, you need to have a solid analysis of: what will happen to the applications, validity of priority, which claims are novel and inventive, and what will be granted. That part should be same for most candidates. 
  • Then translate it to the business world of the client - "you cannot make X because it is a species of  etc.". Address the client like a real client - "EP1 when granted and validated will give no protection in the US". Explain your reasoning - that gets marks.
    • You do not need to explain legal terms like prior right, genus/species etc, A.54(2) prior art, A.54(3) art, A.123(2) extension. 
  • Then identify the improvements that you can make - that will vary as not everyone will see everything. But you get marks for explaining what each piece is, and what it can do for the client. Explain your reasoning - that gets marks.
  • Then you try and use the pieces to improve the clients business and/or attack any competitors - for marks, it does not matter exactly what you suggest. Some options may be equivalent in this case. Explain your reasoning - that gets marks.
  • Even if your solution is not optimal, you will still get good marks. Don't waste a lot of time thinking the best strategy - make sure you write down at least one strategy. Unless otherwise stated, you have unlimited resources:
    • I suggest filing 99 divisionals today because .... 
    • You are infringing in BE - stop production immediately because ....
  • If in doubt about subsequent filings, file one or more PCT applications  
  • 1) Open each page (expected 3 - 5 pages) in a separate tab for extracting dates to timelines, key facts for overviews and copying important paragraphs with key words or phrases.
    • If helpful, use (coloured) tabs on top edge of your monitor (P1, P2, P3/Questions). 
    • Do NOT open more than 10 tabs as this crashes the browser.
  • 2) Read questions first in last tab so that you know what you need to address in your answer. You are looking for clues to key legal issues, key rights, important countries, and main competitors. 
  • 3) Copy questions into answer to ensure you answer each question (marks are frequently lost on D2 by not answering the questions) and each part of question. Be explicit about products, countries and parties. I made them red so they would stand out.
  • 4) Make a TO DO List on paper for things not to forget. I also made a section at the top of my answer - when I read something unusual, or I did not know what to do with, I copied the paragraph number and that sentence (or the whole paragraph) to the top of my answer (don't make it nicer than it needs to be)
  • 5) Add header INITIAL ANALYSIS to answer. Put in here any legal analysis made while considering facts from exam as that will get marks - for example, filings outside 12m priority year, likely publication dates (18m), legal status of applications, period for remedies expired etc. Answer is marked as a whole, so it is not necessary to have arguments fully grouped together. Don't go into great details speculating as you do not know what is relevant. These are pieces that you will need later, but you do not know exactly where they should go.
  • 6) Read in assignment tab as this allows temporary selection of text so that you do not lose your place when copying facts/dates between screen and paper. Read each paragraph, sentence by sentence - note dates in a timeline or timeline-table. Also make a note of relevant facts either in your answer or on paper. These are just notes - note paragraph numbers so you can go back for details.
CLICK BELOW FOR MORE DETAILS (including comments on epi solution)

e-EQE 2021: Troubleshooting WISEflow, LockDown Browser, Zendesk

Updated 4 Mar 21
Updated 24 Feb after Mock3
Updated 22 Feb with note about "company computer" and chat window
Updated 19 Feb with WISEflow browser test
These are technical problems and solutions that candidates have had and sent to me that are not covered in the user guide and need to be solved BEFORE the exam. These are likely related to either personal or company restrictions or firewall settings. I have no idea how widespread these problems and if they will work for everybody. Let me know if you want to add. 

Testing your system using Mock1 and Mock3 flows

  • Check your system by following the official Step by Step to the e-EQE: There is also a Compilation of Information with the official user guides. Check regularly for updates.
  • Check that you can login to WISEflow, download and print the exams from WISEflow, login to Zendesk outside the LockDown Browser, start the LockDown Browser and login to Zendesk within the LockDown Browser.
  • Unfortunately, there is no test portal you can log on to to see if the camera and microphone monitoring are working correctly under LockDown Browser exam conditions. 
    • A testflow is available where you can take an image - see below
Testing your system and camera using test flows
  • After logging in to WISEflow, click on the drop down menu next to your name and select "Edit profile"
  • Click on the "System Requirements":
    • Test Browser - it starts the LockDown Browser in a test mode, checking correct Browser operation and indicating that connection can be made to Secure Websockets.
    • Start Flowlock - a dummy exam window, similar to Main Exam windows is opened so you can try it out
    • Start Flowmulti -  a dummy exam window, similar to Pre-Exam T/F window is opened so you can try it out
  • New: to test your camera, Start Flowlock to start the LockDown Browser. 
    • In the Assignment Options, click on "Appendix material" and "Manage appendices" to open the "Appendix manager" tab.
    • In the "Appendix manager" tab, click on "New appendix", and then "Take an image". This looks like the "Entry image" screen used before each exam / flow.
    • Unfortunately, no microphone test

General Hardware/Software issues
  • Some problems may be due to using a company computer where you don't have full admin rights. For example, blocked urls, a missing chat window in Zendesk, changing IP addresses, automatic virus scans, screensavers that cannot be disabled, updates that cannot be disabled.  
  • If you cannot solve the problems, you may have to switch to a personal laptop or PC, and either log on to the company guest network, and/or do the exam from a different location.
  • In general, only connect the hardware you need, and exit all software/apps except your normal internet browser. Also those running in the background, like backup software and synchronization programs (onedrive, dropbox etc).
  1. USB-hubs, port replicators and docking stations. LockDown Browser disables "suspicious" processes on startup. Some people have had problems starting, and/or disconnection problems. This might be due to using a modern hub with more than one video output. Solution: use a simple USB-hub with only what you need.
  2. VPN. Can lead to slow connections. LockDown Browser cannot handle changes in your IP address. Solution: don't use VPN's.


  1. Camera turns off during exam. During Mock3, many candidates had problems with the camera turning off after some time during the exam (entry image and initial testing by LockDown Browser were all successful). Cause: <unknown>. Solution (ME): Refresh Browser (either F5 in Windows or click on browser "refresh" icon top-left). Solution (PE): For Pre-Exam, LockDown Browser works differently - you will need to enter flow AND invigilator password after a refresh.
    • your camera and microphone are sampled, and the invigilators have a dashboard with the real time status. If one of them is "zero", you should go to the top of the list, and they may contact you. But it depends on how busy they are. If you notice the camera is off (e.g. LED turns off), report it as soon as possible in Zendesk chat (you likely will not know how long it has been off). For PE, you need invigilator password to refresh, so don't try it - ask Zendesk what to do. For ME, you can try a refresh - if it does not work, you need the invigilator password to exit the LockDown Browser, so ask Zendesk first what to do.


  1. Not able to download and print exams. Possible cause (1): <unknown, but it is likely that the url is blocked by the firewall>. Solution: <find it in the WISEflow page source code or with a network monitor, and whitelist the url and/or domain in firewall>
    • To find url's, load regular browser as normal and disconnect the internet. Click on the link and you should see the url it was trying to access. Documents currently come from
      • So whitelist traffic from *
  • Added 4 Mar 21: possible cause (2): on systems where the links have worked before, they may not appear before the exam as intended. Helpdesk: ".. participant’s computer has changed its external IP addresses from when they last refreshed the page in WISEflow (flow overview)". Refreshing only the flow page (where the download links are visible) is not enough. Solution (1) from helpdesk: Reload (Refresh in browser or CTRL F5) of flow overview page in WISEflow
    • Solution (2) from participant (if (1) does not work): logout and back in to WISEflow

Zendesk Chat

  • After starting LockDown Browser, you must manually start Zendesk Chat through External Resources. Remain logged in through the whole exam. It is also accessible from a normal browser by going to
    • apparently, the chat widget will only appear if there is an invigilator logged in at the time
  • Official troubleshooting:
    • only uses ports 80 and 443, which should be open on all firewalls
    • whitelist traffic from * on the firewall
    • relies on Amazon for services. Check whether Amazon IPs are blocked. 
  1. No chat window in bottom right after logging in to (only logo). Cause: firewall is blocking urls. Solution: whitelist three URLs (unsure which one worked). Source: Irina Bagyan: ^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?zendesk\.com/ and ^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?zdassets\.com/ and  ^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?zopim\.com/
        LockDown Browser (by Respondus)
        1. Browser freezes or crashes due to user input. Possible cause: certain keys and combinations that attempt to switch between windows/applications are forbidden. Solution: Mechanically disable the keys involved - either insert a piece of plastic or remove the keys.
        2. Browser freezes or crashes due to trackpad input. Possible cause: certain gestures and finger combinations that attempt to switch between windows/applications are forbidden. Solution: disable all gestures in the trackpad settings and use an external mouse with a scroll wheel.
        3. Browser freezes or crashes with no warning. Possible cause: Some computers change their IP address while you still working. Solution: <not sure>
        4. Browser freezes or crashes when new tab is opened. Possible cause: Too many open tabs crashes the browser. It is related to screen width, but for most people seems to be max. 10. Solution: don't open too many tabs (Zendesk chat and external resources will open their own tabs as well)
        5. Main tab in LockDown Browser is blank. Possible cause: firewall blocking traffic. Solution: see official troubleshooting above. At least whitelist traffic to * Someone who had an internet failure noted that the Browser retrieves exam content from
        External Resources (EPO site)
        • Also possible to access official EPO legal texts within LockDown Browser. A separate tab is opened when you click on EPO legal texts on dropdown menu.
        • You should see, and be able to browse to any page within domain, including OJEPO, EPO EPC Guidelines, EPO PCT Guidelines, Euro-PCT Guide, Case Law (only if looking for specific case - you can waste a lot of time reading this)
        • At bottom right of page is link to Advanced Website Search, which allows limiting the scope of the html search to specific documents:
        1. Not able to access legal texts. Possible cause: firewall is blocking urls. Solution: whitelist complete domain 
        2. Not able to open pdfs of legal texts. Possible cause: large pdfs cannot be opened in LockDown Browser. Solution: brows using html or use html search

        Friday, February 12, 2021

        e-EQE 2021 update - 12 Feb 21 - Mock3 announced

        © Matt
        Update 16 Feb 21 - Mock 3 part updated. Last chance to test. At least test briefly on 23 Feb, even if you have not yet had any problems
        Update 14 Feb 21 - AI monitoring part during exam amended. During exam, a lot is recorded and invigilators will have access. After exam, AI analysis will be done to flag problems, but people will review.
        Update Feb 21 with a couple of things from Zsofia Pintz's LI post.
        On 11 Feb 21,560 people followed an EPO/epi public webinar updating us on e-EQE. Panelists answered questions supplied in advance. There were a lot of unanswered questions in chat. Announced Mock3 for 23 Feb 21 as an extra test for your setup (see below). Pass on this info to all candidates you know.

        Panelists: Xavier Seuba (EPO: Director Patent Academy and EQE),  Christoph Machwirth (EPO Head of EQE Secretariat), Simone Fausti (EPO Project Manager e-EQE), Tiem Reijns (epi Project Team e-EQE), Julia Gwilt (epi Chair of Professional Education Committee), Jens Horstmannshoff (EPO Project Team e-EQE). 

        Thanks to the panelists for taking the time to do this. Hopefully, it will be online soon. I asked for the 28 Jan 21 session to be put online as well: these sessions really answer a lot of questions. Indented are my notes for things that seemed new or were emphasised, so check the official documents and my other posts.

        General points

        On 10 Feb 21, Ignacio Lobato Holtmann created a Telegram group for fast exchange of eEQE info. He also proposes forming using it study groups for the next EQEs. For a lot of people this is a more natural way of sharing info - they are answering each others questions and swapping tips. It is like a mini unofficial helpdesk. At the moment, there are 90 members, it is completely open, so members can also invite other candidates. So if you need help, join.
        • I am happy to have been selected again to do Paper D as an external bench marker. So I will also have to prepare my room, keyboard etc. and do the exam on 2 Mar 21 under the same exam conditions. 
        • 5 people are selected for each exam - the answers are used for discussions around marking. The answers do not determine marking levels in any way - they simply want answers scoring approx. 50 marks which they can discuss as a group about where to award marks or not. 
        • Read latest versions of official docs on official EPO e-EQE page and FAQ page in preparation for Mock3 and exam. Read in detail before testing and again before the exam (updated regularly)
          • a lot of questions are already answered here
          • they are working to combine everything in one guide (now available on e-EQE page)
        • 50% of candidates have still not tried the system. If you know somebody, please pass it on. Mock1 flows are available and there will be a Mock3 on 23 Feb 21. Mock 1 exams were made by the Examination Committees.
          • Real risk that you fail because something trivial like a camera does not work or your desk is facing the wrong way. It is your responsibility. 
          • If you "hand-in" an exam, flow is completed and you cannot start it again. So if you want to try again, don't hand-in for Mock1 or Mock3
        • Mock2 was intended to test everything with a big load, so flows are no longer available.
        1. Location for exam
        • Make sure no windows, bookshelves, paintings, or light sources behind you.
          • Can confuse AI invigilation. If it is a problem, cover them with paper.
        • They can ask you to scan your room before you start with the camera to check everything
          • My suggestion: discussions on possible "suspicious behavior" may happen much later after the exam. I advise to video (or pictures) your room/desk/monitor before the exam, with date & gps location stamp. If something strange happens during the exam, type it in the chat. After the exam, if it was serious, let them know by email to
        • No glass walls or doors
          • Earlier, they said that you can cover glass walls and doors from the inside. Just sticking paper over them was suggested. You should close blinds and curtains. You make sure that no-one can see your screen or communicate with you.
          • Realise that for the whole exam, you have to sit at your desk in front of the camera. So if you have them covered and your desk is away from them, it should not be a problem.
        • No other electronic devices permitted unless explicitly allowed by Examination Secretariat in advance
        • You cannot have a 2nd computer or phone close by in case you have problems. 
          • Better to put outside the room
        • If you do have a second screen next to your first one but disconnected, you should move it way, well out of reach of your desk, and with the screen side not visible
        • Other computers may be in the room but must be switched off and out of reach
          • If the other computer has screens, disconnect them and move them away
        • Medical issues: you should have mentioned these issues and electronic apparatus when registering as they apply during a regular in-person exam. It is now too late to register and request special treatment
          • My experience: they consider reasonable requests, but no guarantees. Explain why you did not mention on registration. Don't request things you can live without. Be prepared to provide a letter from a doctor.
        • You cannot get up to get books from book shelves. You must remain sitting in front of camera for whole exam. Normal movement is fine, but head has to stay in camera range and with the camera capturing your ears as much as possible.
          • There was a discussion about whether books on the floor is allowed. Don't risk facial recognition issues - have all your books on your table or side tables if possible. Make sure you can grab them without moving your head out of range
        • Question asked about taking exam from US or though VPN. In principle, no restrictions, but you may get delays and connection may be less reliable. VPN should be avoided as it slows the connection down and might block Lockdown Browser.
        CLICK BELOW FOR MORE (Invigilation section updated)

        Wednesday, February 3, 2021

        e-EQE 2021: Avoiding Lockdown Browser crashes, and how to get out

        Update 24 Feb 21 after Mock3: this post is intended to help with problems DURING the exam
        Update 23 Feb 21: added comment about company computer
        Update 18 Feb 21: handing in after Browser crashes possible (based on info from EQE helpdesk)
        Update 14 Feb 21 - AI monitoring part during exam amended. During exam, a lot is recorded and invigilators will have access. After exam, AI analysis will be done to flag problems, but people will review.
        Update 11 Feb 21 after webinar
        Update 10 Feb 21: Ignacio Lobato Holtmann has created a Telegram group for fast exchange of eEQE questions, tips and info: He also proposes forming study groups for the next EQEs.
        Update 5 Feb 21: Winkey L not allowed
        Mock2 was intended to test everything with a big load, so the flows will NOT be available later. 
        Mock3 (23 Feb) is last chance to test YOUR system before the exam, so login as much as possible.

        I tried many different ways of crashing the browser with the keyboard in Windows 10. This is not a complete list, I am sure, and unofficial. The Respondus LockDown Browser version was - 7 Aug 2020. (Same version was used in Mock3). Let me know if anything is missing, particularly for Apple/Mac's.

        Before exam:
        • Don't be passive and just accept problems & difficulties. Also relating to room requirements. Report them to
          • they get an idea of the scale of problems, they can prioritise any fixes or messages, and they find about new issues
          • you have already recorded your problem ("all due care"-like), so if it happens during the actual exam and there is a discussion later, you have some documented evidence
        • Read the official docs here: eEQE page ( and FAQ's page ( before testing and again before the exam. Many issues are already covered and they are updated regularly.
        • If you had technical issues during mocks, check known Wiseflow technical issues (, particularly troubleshooting and webcam troubleshooting)
        • My overview of troubleshooting to be done BEFORE the
        • Some problems may be due to using a company computer where you don't have full admin rights. For example, blocked urls, a missing chat window in Zendesk, changing IP addresses, automatic virus scans, screensavers that cannot be disabled, updates that cannot be disabled.
        • AI does not automatically generate warnings if you move your face out of view or speak. 
        • Your camera and microphone are sampled, and the invigilators have a dashboard with the real time status. For example, the degree of facial recognition is monitored. If one of them is "zero" or "low" (e.g. if you move too much), you should go to the top of the list, and they may contact you. But it depends on how busy they are. 
        • Not being contacted does not mean that everything you did was acceptable.
        • After the exam, this data is combined with other inputs in your profile. It is used afterwards to determine whether suspicious behaviour is suspected. The AI will generate a list of possible suspicious behaviour, which will be further analysed by people. It is the people who make the decisions. 
        • Preferably use a computer with only hardware and software absolutely necessary for EQE. You can easily make a new separate user account in Windows.
        • You can set up your phone as a mobile hotspot to use in emergencies, but it cannot be within reach during the exam. Your computer has to be set up to automatically switch.
        • Do your best to comply with the spirit and letter of the regulations and instructions, and you should have no problem. However, as the AI infers behaviour based upon limited sampling, you should document you room and workspace - see my post here about the Instructions and Creating your own evidence
        • Many of the restrictions cannot be tested in Mock1, so do not rely on that. They were detected during Mock2 and Mock3.

        Disabling functions before the exam

        • Disable all screensavers, hibernation modes and power savers - do not allow the display, hard disk etc to be turned off after a period of inactivity. Inactivity is most likely on Paper C where you have a lot on paper to read, but on some systems screens are turned off after 10 minutes.
          • some people said during Mock3 that their screensavers did not come on, probably diue to the camera operating. But this is a risk if you cannot disable these
        • Disable Win 10 settings allowing 3 or 4 finger gestures to be disabled for a touchpad
        • Disabling ALT-TAB and WINKEY keys requires third-party software. Gamers also like to disable them, but usually with software. 
          • This software is not compatible with LockDown Browser
        • Alt-Tab twice kicks you out: they are looking at this. Try and stick to CTRL-C, CTRL-V and CTRL-SHIFT-V - these will be the safest
          • If tripped, you will need invigilator password, have to reset, costing you 5-10mins, and causing stress
        • Browser is a 3rd party product. Assume that this will not be improved and take action to avoid pressing. 
          • if you have a USB keyboard, you may be able to take off either the TAB or ALT cap. TAB is probably the one you don't really need. Laptop key caps cannot be removed!!!!!
            • Note that TAB / SHIFT-TAB can be used to change bullet indent positions. So you will only have one indent available. But that is enough for the exam - don't try and make the formatting too nice. Use "-", "=", or space if you want to show a difference.
          • Or put a sticker on it so it feels different. 
          • Or slide a thin piece of card, like a business card, or plastic, under the edge. TAB seems to be the easiest to block as it is a wide key. ALT is preferred by those who use the TAB key for indenting.
        • I recommend also disabling WINKEY in the same way

        Zendesk (FAQ's - 24 Feb 21):
        • Easiest and quickest way to reach an invigilator is through Zendesk chat tab in LockDown Browser. Request will be acknowledged within 15 minutes after receipt. Answer time depends on complexity of issue.
        • If not in LockDown browser, you can log-in via “” from a standard internet browser. Only in emergencies and if Zendesk is not available, call +49 89 2399 5155. Telephone lines are very limited - Zendesk is strongly recommended.
        • Communication via email will not be dealt with.
        • My comment: I realise it will be stressful, but please be respectful to the invigilators 🙏. It is not easy to diagnose problems remotely and there may be different escalation levels they have to go through.

        During the exam:
        • Avoid being flagged later by keeping face and ears within camera view and being quiet. 

        • Avoid crashes (considered "Illegal Actions") (checked again during Mock3)
          • DO NOT USE: ALT-TAB, 3 or 4 finger gestures on touchpad
          • DO NOT USE: Winkey-D, Winkey-L, Winkey-M, Winkey-P, Winkey-R, Winkey-X, Winkey followed by trying to change any taskbar settings
          • DO NOT USE: in general, any shortcut or command allowing other applications to be opened, going to another desktop, going to another application, trying to change system settings etc.
          • Browser has also reported "too many mouse movements" on some computers - I could not replicate this.
        • Appear to be allowed (but no guarantee this is true on all systems) (checked again during Mock3, some were confirmed by other): 
          • two-finger gestures for scrolling and zoom in/out (3 & 4 finger gestures were disabled)
          • F5 - refresh browser. Use LockDown Browser's built-in refresh function instead - click on "refresh" icon at top left to start. For Main Exam, it is no problem. In Pre-Exam, you need to user password and invigilator passwords to get back in. 
          • CTR-ALT-DELETE - (can take several seconds to respond). Lockdown Browser reduces options normally available. Can select different network or keyboard at bottom right. 
            • don't select Lock screen (= same as using Winkey-L)
            • only use in emergencies. Winkey-space is preferred to change keyboard layout
          • CTRL-A, B, C, F, I, U, V, X, Y, Z 
          • CTRL-SHIFT-V pastes without formatting 
          • CTRL-TAB is accepted, but it does not switch between browser tabs (as expected) - it just increases indents
          • SHIFT-TAB is accepted, but appears to work just like TAB
          • CTRL ↑ and ↓ to jump between paragraphs. CTRL ← and → to jump between words.
          • CTRL-SHIFT ← and → to move text selection to end of earlier/next word
          • CTRL-SHIFT ↑ and ↓ to move text selection to end of earlier/next paragraph
          • SHIFT ↑ and ↓ or SHIFT-END to move text selection to end of line
          • PG UP, PG DN, HOME and END or CTRL-HOME and CTRL-END - jump to next page top or bottom of answer
          • BE CAREFUL WITH Winkey - see above
          • Winkey-space - to change keyboard layout 
          • Winkey +, Winkey - for zooming in Windows. CTRL-scroll wheel did not work. Use LockDown Browser's built-in zoom function instead - click on (i) icon at top left to change.
          • Winkey . and Winkey ;   open emoji keyboard 😲. Could be useful to help you navigate long answer, or to mark something to finish later. Don't use as part of your answer - it is not retained after conversion.
            • <joke> For the Zendesk chat? 🚻🚽. As abbreviations? 🧯 (removal of cause of non-compliance), 💣 (undisclosed disclaimer), 💡 (inventive step),  📆 (working day), 💉 (first medical indication), 💳 (opposition fee paid by credit card) </joke>
        • Avoid other crashes:
          • Don't open too many tabs (typically more than 10)
          • Don't press CTRL when clicking on Assignment to open assignment in a tab (just click without CTRL)
          • Don't press CTRL-P: on some systems, this appears not to be blocked (unclear why - I could not replicate it). But you should not be printing during the exam (it is supposed to be disabled). If it does something, it likely will crash the LockDown Browser due to pop-up windows.
          • System notifications or pop-up windows can cause freezing. If in front of browser, you cannot click on it. If behind, you cannot navigate to it. If behind, you also do not know what the cause is. You may have to try refreshing the Browser to solve (see below)
          • Screensaver, automatic screen locking and power saving can create instability and force the FLOWlock program to close. Disable all sleep and hibernation, or set them for many hours.

        My suggested (unofficial) way of dealing with freezing/crashing during the exam

        A. Camera disconnection:
        • During Mock3, many candidates had problems with the camera turning off after some time during the exam (entry image and initial testing by LockDown Browser were all done successfully). It is not clear why this happens. The LockDown Browser does not generate an error or warning. It should be detected by the invigilators dashboard - if they have time and it lasts too long, they should contact you to find out.
        • If you notice the camera is off (e.g. LED turns off), report it as soon as possible in Zendesk chat (you likely will not know how long it has been off). 
        • Solution (ME): Refresh Browser (Click on browser "refresh" icon top-left). If this does not work, you may need to exit the LockDown Browser as described below.
        • Solution (PE): For Pre-Exam, LockDown Browser works differently - you will need to enter flow AND invigilator password after a refresh before you can continue. So, you need to wait for instructions from Zendesk if you do not have the invigilator password to refresh.  If this does not work, you may need to exit the LockDown Browser as described below.