Friday, October 9, 2009

Books to take to the EQE, especially for D (2)

So building on the REE list, we get the following EQE library:

Legal texts in force on 31 Dec 2009 (probably in your reference books, but check they have all the protocols etc). This also includes provisions (and their transitional provisions) which have changed (such as on 1 April 2009), which may apply to EP applications pending around the time of the exam.

1) EPC - Articles and Rules and all Protocols
2) PCT - Article and Rules
3) PC
4) Rules relating to Fees

Click below for EPC & PCT books

EPC books:
- The Guidelines for Examination in the EPO, issued by the EPO, April 2009 edition or later. Either order or download here

- How to get a European Patent – Guide for applicants, issued by the EPO, 12th edition – June 2009. Either order (free) or download here

- Forms for EPC proceedings, latest versions. Either order or download here

- National Law relating to the EPC, issued by the EPO, 14th edition – June 2009. Either order or download here

- Ancillary Regulations to the EPC, issued by the EPO, edition 2007: this book relates to the EPC1973. Either order or download here and update where necessary using the Special Edition No.3 and publications in the OJEPO of late 2007, 2008 and 2009.

- Update of the Decisions of the President and notices, OJEPO 2007 Special Edition No.3. Either order or download here

- Case Law of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO, issued by the EPO, 5th edition – 2006. Either order or download here

- Case Law Supplements to OJEPO in 2007, 2008 and 2009.

(ADA) The arrangements for deposit accounts, OJEPO 2009, Supplement 3. Either order or download here.

PCT books:

- How to get a European Patent - (Part 2) Euro - PCT - Guide for applicants; issued by EPO, 4th edition – 2008. Either order (free) or download here

- PCT Forms, latest versions. Download here (NOT the ones at the bottom of the list in the sections Forms Relating to RO / RO or IB / ISA / IB / IPEA / SISA)

- PCT Applicants Guide, Special Edition For EQE. 1666 pages, so only print out the version you need on the exam (you will receive an e-mail from the EPO in January). You can find the EQE 2009 version here
The most useful parts to print out and use now from the PCT Applicant's Guide:

- Introduction to the International Phase (PDF)
- Index to the International Phase (PDF)
- Introduction to the National Phase (PDF)
- National phase, national chapters Volume II - National Chapter: EP, CN, JP, KR, US.

Own notes:

- Headnotes of G-Decisions

- General knowledge of a national laws of the contracting states and US & JP

- Relevant items from OJEPO's of end 2007, 2008 & 2009

- Relevant items from PCT Newsletter of end 2007, 2008 & 2009

- List of the contracting states to the European Patent Convention (

- List of contracting states to the PCT (


  1. Thank you so much for the clear overview and the links!

  2. Do you know when it is expected a 6th Edition of the Case Law?

    By the way, thanks a lot for such a useful blog.


  3. I have been told by the EPO that it will be in June of next year, along with a new version of the Guidelines.

    Unfortunately, not in time for the EQE in 2010
