Wednesday, February 14, 2024

EQE2024: Room, Desk & Creating Evidence

During the Tutor’s Meeting in 2023 (epi information 04/2023), it was stated that “the invigilators and Examination Board have seen some deterioration about respecting the rules, e.g., people wearing headsets and some even refused to take them off. The latter is not acceptable, and the Examination Board had to take them more serious in 2023, also in view as not in pandemic crisis anymore. In EQE 2023, 36 (Pre-Exam: 17; main exam: 19) cases with a breach of rules were detected. All 36 candidates were contacted, giving facts and asking for explanation. Not all replied or convincingly explained their behaviour and some disciplinary action had to be taken, in particular deduction of points, sometimes leading from PASS into COMP FAIL or FAIL. In 2024, the Examination Board will be more strict on the rules for conduct“. We have made the 2023 Tutors Report available directly here.
*** this includes rules about scheduled & unscheduled breaks **

So, all candidates need to read the requirements (don’t just rely on us 😉), especially the latest ItC. Comply with the spirit and letter of all the regulations and instructions, before during and after the exam, even if you think them trivial. If you are worried about compliance with any of these requirements, or you have medical issues that conflict (such as hearing aids), try to solve them yourself as much as possible. If you cannot comply, inform the ASAP, and certainly before the exam.

ItC V.7, 8 – You cannot leave room, close FLOWlock browser or move out of camera view within first 60 mins of each part of a Main Exam, even if you have handed in your answer

ItC V.9 – During each exam, you may only leave the room for scheduled breaks (prescheduled breaks between official exam parts, such as for lunch). Exceptionally, in those exam parts that allow you to do so, you may take unscheduled breaks. Unscheduled breaks are only possible during paper A, paper B, the two parts of paper C and part D2 of paper D, and only after 60 minutes have passed from the official exam start time.

ItC V.9(b) – Unscheduled breaks are only allowed in A, B, C and D2 after 60 mins. You must inform the invigilator via the chat widget when you take an unscheduled break and when you return to your desk. You do not have to wait for authorisation before leaving. Unscheduled breaks are expected to take no more than 3 mins.

  • So for PE (70 mins), D1-1 (95 mins) and D1-2 (105 mins), there are NO unscheduled breaks allowed. Even if you hand-in early, you must stay in front of the camera at least 60 minutes before leaving (ItC 8).
  • 2024-02-20 EQE helpdesk answer: you are right, no unscheduled breaks are allowed during paper PE (all 4 parts, each with duration 70 minutes), paper D1.1 (duration 95 minutes) and D1.2. (duration 105 minutes). 
    • If you do take a break during these parts the invigilator will take a note of it, inform you that it is not allowed and potential disciplinary measures may ensue
    • Candidates who can prove that they have a medical problem that requires them to go to the bathroom more frequently and who cannot go without toilet breaks for longer periods can exceptionally be granted to take unscheduled toilet breaks also during periods where it is normally not allowed.
Consider using adult diapers (not a joke – I used them as a benchmarker last year). Even during the in-person exams, a lot of candidates used to use them to maximise their time working on the exam as the bathrooms were not always close-by and sometimes you had to wait in line.

Make sure you fully understand the restrictions around starting times and breaks. We have made schedules with timings for each exam, and a DO NOT DISTURB sign for EQE 2024 to help with the requirements around the start of the exam. 

Before each exambefore you put your phone away, I strongly advise making a video with time and GPS stamp of your room, desk and computer to create your own evidence.

Join the EQE Telegram groups to discuss issues with other candidates: Main group, Study group, ABC&PE-claims, D&PE-legal and Marketplace. The groups are public, and open to any tutors or candidates. A few rules: treat others with respect, no discussion of cheating, no exchange of large sections of copyrighted materials (use of excerpts for study and discussion allowed). During scheduled exams, no discussion of the exam questions or answers. During mocks, no restrictions on the discussions.

More comments and tips are here.