Monday, February 22, 2010

Take your own calendars to the D-exam?

I frequently get asked about taking your own calendars - you can highlight holidays and weekends in advance, for example.

Preparation of your own calendars takes some time, so you need to balance this investment with any benefit and the risk. You have to decide which years to take, and try not to make any mistakes.

Some people either take the ones from the relevant OJEPO,
or they use the DeltaPatents ones, which we provide are for use with our training materials.
We recommend on balance that you should not use your own calendars

You will get EQE calendars with the DI and DII papers, and these are the only ones you will need to answer the papers. Normally you will get them for 2 or 3 different years.


– if there is a mistake in your calendars (usually a missing holiday or a holiday on the wrong day), the exam committee will not know why you gave the wrong answer.
- if there is a mistake in the official EQE calendars (which has happened before) then the exam committee will see this and correct the marking accordingly.  

Good luck next week

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