Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Updated information on the EQE2013 papers

The Examination Board has updated its notice about the papers of 2013. There are two additions on page 3:

Candidates are advised that a pre-printed notice of opposition form will be provided as
in previous years. However, the "Notes to the notice of opposition (EPO Form 2300)"
included in paper C in previous years, will not be provided from 2013 onwards.

Paper D will indicate separately the number of marks available for each
of the questions relating to the subjects mentioned in Rule 26(2) IPREE (i.e. questions
of the type found in former paper DI) and the total of marks available for questions
relating to the subjects mentioned in Rule 26(3) IPREE (i.e. questions of the type found
in former paper DII).

The first one I had not heard before.
The second one was mentioned in the Tutor’s Report

Friday, November 2, 2012

Tutors' Report on the EQE 2012 Papers [and comments on 2013 paper formats]

For the first time ever, the EQE tutors have made minutes of their meeting with the EQE tutors in September. I have combined and edited the comments to make single report:

In addition to documenting the discussions with the Examination Committees, comments are provided on the Compendium answers and there are some comments about the changes to the paper in 2013.