Every year, WIPO produces a printable version of the complete Applicants Guide, including all annexes, specifically for the Pre- and Main Exams. The current version can be found here. But it is 1980 pages and much of it will never be required at the exam.

Using Regulations, past papers and comments from Examination Committees, I have limited it to adequately cover what you may need. In addition, I have added many useful overviews from the WIPO & EPO websites which can speed up answering questions during the exam.
Most of the contents are sourced from WIPO/EPO websites and Official Journal, and no copyright is claimed for these parts.
This year, the material is divided into 2 parts instead of 3 parts. A Detailed Table of Contents (with page numbers) is also included for the Applicant Guide Introductions.
My book is 900 pages and free of charge - it can be downloaded in from my patent firm's website. Feel free to pass on the links to anyone who needs them. To save paper when printing, it should be printed with 2 pages on each side of an A4.
Update: for those who cannot easily print out several hundred pages, the two parts can be ordered here in A5 format (21 x 14cm):
- Part I - References - 1.5cm thick 350 pages (290g)
- Part II - Annexes - 2cm thick 550 pages (455g)
Add each part separately to your basket as they are considered separate books on the Boekbestellen website.
Update (17/1/19): the thin paper is available again.
Changes compared to last year: