Thursday, January 21, 2010

Individual correction of C2009 and DII 2009 papers

As part of our training program, we correct papers that people send us. We give individual feedback about style and any legal errors, together with a detailed marking sheet (more detailed than the standard EQE marking sheets) and our comprehensive model solution.
We have received several requests for the correction of 2009 papers, so we have added the C2009 and DII 2009 papers.

So if you want our detailed feedback:
- on your actual DII paper made during EQE2009 (please also send the marking sheet)
- on the DII2009 you made at the CEIPI sessions in Strasbourg
- on the DII2009 paper you made at home or as a mock exam
or on the C2009 paper you made at home or as a mock exam

Hand-in date will be ultimately 15 February 2010. Correction will be returned on the 24th of February 2010. Price for the C2009 correction is € 250,00.
Price for the DII2009 correction is € 200,00.

If you wish to register, please use the form in our brochure.

28 April 2010: links updated

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