Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Figuring out what went wrong on EQE 2011 - help for resitters

This week, candidates receive the official EQE results, confirming the results published last week. Included is a marking sheet, showing the number of points per question.
Candidates who unfortunately need to resit C and/or D will be trying to figure out how to do it differently in 2012. The marking sheets and the Examiner's Reports in the Compendium are generally not enough to figure out where points were lost.
DeltaPatents offers Correction of  EQE papers, where we offer correction of your EQE 2011 C, DI and DII papers. Deadline to sign up and hand them in is 30 August 2011, together with your marking sheet. We then provide individual comments, suggestions for improvement, our own detailed marking sheet and our proprietary model solutions.

EQE 2011 results (2): excluding 0 points

The figures change a little if you leave out the candidates who got 0.
As it is very unlikely to make a paper and get 0 points, we assume most of these were registered but did not turn up.

Average nr. if points if all 0 scores are excluded:
D = 41 (2010: 46)
C = 44 (2010: 45)
B (e/m & ch) = 55.5 (2010: 51.5)
A (e/m & ch) = 50.5 (2010: 47.5)

Points distribution histograms per paper are below

Latest version of National Law book - May 2011

EPO has released a new version of the National Law book. You definitely need to take this to the exam.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

EQE 2011 Results

A complete list is available here. It look like D was more dificult than last year, and B was overall easier

Congratulations to all who passed at least something- none of the exams are easy, so if you passed anything you did well. Remember: 45 points and up means you can compensate with other passes, even old ones.

EQE 2011
Pass rates - candidates with 45 points or higher:
D = 35% (2010: 48%)
C = 44% (2010: 47%)
B (e/m & ch) = 71% (2010: 60%)
A (e/m & ch) = 58% (2010: 57%)

Average nr. points:
D = 37 (2010: 41)
C = 41.5 (2010: 42)
B (e/m & ch) = 54.5 (2010: 49)
A (e/m & ch) = 49 (2010: 46)

Points distribution histograms per paper are below

Monday, August 1, 2011

EPO makes their legal texts printable

Good news for anyone needing to print out the HTML on the EPO website - the EPO has introduced a new print option.
Currently only for EPC, Guidelines, National law, How to Get - Part I and Case Law, I expect this to be expanded in the future.
This solves a lot of problems for the EPO in keeping legal information up to date. By only providing up to date HTML, users can decide to either use it on-line or print it out.