Thursday, February 28, 2013

DeltaPatents has posted their proposed solutions for EQE2013

If you want to, you can look at the proposed solutions from DeltaPatents:
  • DeltaPatents does not know everything
  • these are not full answers (you should have written much more on the Main Exam)
  • the Examination Committees decide ultimately where the points are awarded and how many 
Even a "wrong" answer can get points. This is particularly the case for the DII part of the D paper, where a lot of points are available for the details not given in such a proposed solution.

If you do not want to think about it anymore (a very healthy attitude), then don't look at such posts, don't discuss with other candidates, and forget about it all until the results are published.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Errata for Main Exam Question Book

Sorry it is so late. We got a lot of comments, which we are grateful for,, and it takes time to go through them all.

I have limited the errata to the most significant mistakes.

Good luck!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Don't be surprised at EQE 2013 (part 2) - D paper

In the first post, I indicated a lot of references.

To save reading (you have a lot better things to do ;-), I will summarise the main points for the D paper:

  • A single 5 hour paper - the DI and DII parts will be indicated clearly
  • The number of points for each part (DI/DII) will be given, and it will be approximately 40 for DI and 60 for DII
  • Same points split as as before, except that for timing purpose, you have about 3 minutes per point if you wish to complete the whole paper. This translates to about 2 hours for the DI part and about 3 hours for the DII part

  • In the DI part, you will get a number of separate legal questions for which you must cite legal basis. The number of points per question will be given. 

  • In the DII part, you will get a letter from a client, and you will have to give legal advice. The number of points per question will NOT be given.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Don't be surprised at EQE 2013

With less than 3 weeks to go to the EQE 2013, make sure you know the format of the exam, where it is, what time it starts, and the rules during the exam

1) Be prepared for the new formats:

Pre-Exam - 25 February 2013
No changes in format. The exam will look the same as last year and the same as the mocks of March & September 2011

D paper - 26 February 2013
- no longer a 3 hour DI, official break, then a 4 hour DII
- it will be a single 5 hour paper, with smaller DI and DII parts, and no official break
- you have to decide how to divide your time between the DI and DII parts. To do it all, you will probably need about 2 hours for DI and 3 hours for DII.
- you have to decide when to take a break, so bring food with you

A paper - 27 February 2013
No changes in format

B paper - 27 February 2013
- no longer a 4 hour paper
- it will be a 3 hour paper
- you will be given a proposal from the client for patentable claims. You have to check them instead of drafting them, which will save you time.

C paper - 28 February 2013
- no longer a 6 hour paper
- it will be 5 hour paper
- you will have fewer (possibly none) legal questions to deal with, which will save you time

More details here: Notice from Exam. Board and Tutors Report on page 106

2) Look at complaints from last years candidates about your exam location in the Candidate Survey page 20-28.
For example, if it can be cold, make sure you have enough clothes with you.

3) Look at the  Instructions to candidates concerning the conduct of the EQE (page 41-46) for the rules on pens, watches etc

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Our FREE printable versions of the PCT Applicants Guide - available now for EQE2013

Dear EQE2013 candidate,
Every year, the Examination Board gets the WIPO to make a printable version of the PCT Applicants Guide. It is usually made available at the beginning of February here (on the right-hand side of the page)
They do this so that candidates can have this information with them at the exam to be able to answer questions on the D paper about things like competent rO’s and allowed languages for filing.

However, this document is 1700 pages with a lot of information that will never be asked on the EQE, such as details on African, Asian and South American states. The Examination Board has stated that candidates are free to make a selection themselves and only take what they need – however, this is quite difficult, and time-consuming.

To save some room in your suitcase, I have captured and assembled 3 books (see below) with "only" 750 pages. I have retained general information on all PCT states such as PCT accession dates and 30m/31m time limit for national entry. The detailed information is focused on EPC states [and extension states], the 5 largest patent offices [CN, EP, JP, KR, US], all ISA’s and IPEA’s, the 13 most popular rO's, and the 13 most popular dO's & eO's.
It also includes many things from the WIPO web-site and EPO web sites which you should have with you that are not even included in the official 1700 pages, such as the Reservations and Incompatibilities, the agreement between the WIPO and the EPO, Paris Convention accession dates. Either print 1 page per A4 sheet, or with 2 pages on each A4 sheet [still readable].
Good luck at the end of February !!!
 – 92 pages
Comprising various overviews from the WIPO website such as Paris Convention states with accession dates, overview of all states that accept restoration of priority, Reservations & Incompatibilities and PCT fees of December 2011.

- 486 pages
Comprising the PCT “Guidelines” (Introduction to the international phase)
and the annexes for the selected states most likely to be needed on the EQE
Also comprising the agreement between the WIPO and EPO, how to file at the IB, the EPO as SISA and the new EPO IPEA procedure for a 2nd Written Opinion

- 178 pages
Comprising the Introduction to the national phase, national phase summaries for the selected states, and the national chapters for the states most likely to be on the exam. 
Also comprising a complete overview of all national entry time limits, EPC contracting and extension states (with access dates) and the EP entry form 1200 with notes.