Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tutors' Report on the meeting with the EQE committees now available

Every year, tutors from DeltaPatents, CEIPI, epi etc meet with the EQE committees to discuss the EQE 2013 papers, and to get a sense of any changes or improvements we can expect in 2014. 
The report is available on the EQE Forum:

It will also be published in the December edition of epi information.
Please feel free to forward it to any fellow candidates for 2014.

Note that the comments on the EQE2013 and on the expected EQE2014 papers are combined, because the Committees more or less indicated that they will continue in this way. So it would be better to only read everything after doing the 2013 papers.

The most important issue for 2014 that you need to know now is the change for the Pre-Exam passing grade from 50 to 70 points.