Thursday, February 27, 2014

EQE 2014 - Possible Solutions for Pre-Exam and Paper D (Main Exam)

I hope the exams went as well as you had hoped.

In general, it is better just to forget about it all until the results are announced. Discussing it can make you feel worse because you only remember the things you missed instead of all the things you correctly wrote down.

Remember, no tutor, no candidate and none of your colleagues know:

  • what the expected answers are
  • the point weighting for each comment
  • alternatives which are also accepted 

If it will not upset you, have a look at our suggested solutions, but note that these are based on the inputs of several experienced tutors::

Main Exam Paper D

Take some time off.
For the Main Exam candidates, enjoy your summer whatever your feeling about how it went.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Known errors in Main Exam Questions for Paper D - August 2013 edition

Sorry it is quite late this year, but these are the most important errors that we have discovered in the Main Exam Questions for Paper D book since it was published in Aug. 2013. Please let us know if anything is not clear.

The known errors in the Basic Legal Questions for Pre-Exam and Paper D are here

Good luck!