For anyone wishing to do the paper before the official copies are available in the compendium, DeltaPatents has copies on our blog.
In general, I advise the candidates who have done the exam to forget about it completely now, and enjoy your summer vacation
We also have our proposed answers on the same blog, but only look if it is not going to upset you. Nobody knows where the points exactly will be, alternative answers etc. and it is my experience that you only remember the things that you missed and got wrong, and not the things that you actually did. These answers have also been made by 3 experienced D tutors and edited.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Strict compliance with the rules for the conduct of the exam (cont)
I have now received a clear confirmation of the policy during the exam regarding electronic devices from the EQE secretariat:
Electronic devices are strictly forbidden in the examination hall, no matter if they are turned off or not.
Any candidate found with such a device in the hall is clearly breaching the regulations, and he/she might face disqualification from the exam.
The only electronic devices which may be allowed in the examination hall are medical devices that candidates need for health reasons.
We recommend that candidates leave their mobile phone at their hotels if they are travelling.
There are no cloakrooms at the examination centre, however we will provide envelopes (you will have to write your name on it) where the device can be placed and it will be put in a box.
The box will be outside of the examination hall. Neither the Examination centres nor the Examination Secretariat will take any responsibility for loss or damage to the items stored in this box.
This is probably not the solution that you wanted, but this is becoming common practice for exams. A simple watch with an analogue dial is the only thing you can have with you.
So either leave them all at home, or in the hotel, or car, or in train station locker.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Strict compliance with the rules for the conduct of the exam
We have
heard from some candidates that the CEIPI tutors are warning that the some of
the exam
regulations are to be very strictly applied this year and in the future.
1) Electronic devices
Instructions to candidates concerning the conduct of
the European qualifying examination
Candidates are not permitted to: (a) bring to the pre-examination or the main
examination any electronic devices other than an analogue wrist watch with no
additional options, unless express
permission to use such devices has been given by the Examination Secretariat;
The invigilators shall take the names of candidates who do not comply with
these instructions and report to the Examination Board any other relevant
to an e-mail from the EQE organization (see below), no electronic devices
(phones) will be allowed at all in the room. It therefore seems
advisable not to take phones, watches, etc with you to the exam location as I
am not aware of any lockers at the exam locations. If you have books etc. under
the table, make sure there are no electronic devices(even turned off) in the
bag as well.
Closing signal => means no more writing
Instructions to candidates concerning the conduct of
the European qualifying examination
(Pre-exam) When the closing signal is given,
must:(a) stop writing immediately
(Main Exam When the closing signal is given, candidates must:
(a) stop writing immediately,
It is
common practice to number your pages at the end, and there was a degree of
flexibility. But this may no longer be possible. So take the last few minutes
to number your pages.
If the
time is finished, and you forgot to number them, you can ask the invigilator if
it is still possible under their supervision (this is also possible if you
forget to hand in a page)
For the
possible consequences, see R.19 and R.20 of the REE implementing regulations:
19 Conduct of the pre-examination or the examination
If a candidate fails to comply with the instructions to candidates concerning
the conduct of the pre-examination or the examination or with instructions
given on the basis thereof by the invigilators,
following measures may be taken by the Examination Board in respect of that
deduction of marks
instructions to the competent Examination
instructions to the competent Examination Committee not to mark the answer
paper concerned and not to award any marks, and/or
disqualification from the preexamination or the examination for a given year.
20 Fraudulent behaviour
Fraudulent behaviour is any behavior by a candidate with the aim of obtaining
an undue advantage during registration/enrolment or during/after the
pre-examination or the examination.
behaviour may consist, inter alia, in presenting false documents, making false
or incomplete statements and/or using equipment during the preexamination or
the examination which is
The following measures may be taken by the Examination Board if fraudulent
behaviour has been discovered:
refusal of registration and/or enrolment for the forthcoming and subsequent
pre-examinations or examinations
deduction of marks
instructions to the competent Examination Committee to mark the answer paper
concerned only in part
instructions to the competent Examination Committee not to mark the answer
paper concerned and not to award any marks, and/or
disqualification from the preexamination or the examination for a given year.
Letter from EQE secretariat:
geehrte Bewerberin, sehr geehrter Bewerber,aufgrund der Erfahrungen der letzten Jahre und um eine faire Prüfung zu gewährleisten, möchten wir Sie an Folgendes erinnern:
Während der EEP sind elektronische Geräte VERBOTEN.
Mobiltelefone und viele andere elektronische Geräte sind heute ein fester Bestandteil unseres täglichen Lebens. Sie können jedoch nicht Teil der EEP sein und es ist strengstens verboten, elektronische Geräte jeder Art, seien es Mobiltelefone, Kameras, digitale Uhren oder Wecker mit in den Prüfungsraum zu nehmen (siehe Anweisungen für den Ablauf der europäischen Eignungsprüfung, Zusatzpublikation ABl. EPA 2/2014, S. 38 ff.). Unter keinen Umständen sind elektronische Geräte im Prüfungsraum erlaubt.
Bewerber, die mit einem elektronischen Gerät im Prüfungsraum vorgefunden werden (ausgenommen bei ausdrücklicher Genehmigung des Prüfungssekretariats), werden der Prüfungskommission gemeldet. Dies kann ernste Folgen haben (siehe Regeln 19 und 20 ABVEP).
Das Prüfungssekretariat ist überzeugt, dass Sie die Regeln respektieren. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Erfolg für die kommende europäische Eignungsprüfung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Das Prüfungssekretariat
Europäische Eignungsprüfung
Europäisches Patentamt, 80298 München, Germany
Tel. +49/89/2399-5155; Fax +49/89/2399-514
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Known errors in Main Exam Questions for Paper D - May 2014
Suggested list of books and other things to take to the Main & Pre-Exam - EQE 2015
- Read through the rules regarding the conduct of the exam (page 27-35)
- See what candidates from last year said about the location where you are taking the exam
- Be well rested in the days before the exam - many D candidates sleep badly on the Monday night
- Take a suitcase with wheels
- After doing last years papers, look at the Tutors Report on thos papers to help with interpreting the EQE Compendium - epi infomation pages 138-145
- If necessary, look at some tips for reducing anxiety at the exam
- A good book on passing exams is "How To Pass Your Exams" by Mike Evans
- Be prepared to do the exams with a relatively small (possible as small as 60cm x 90cm) space. Normally, you can place books you don't need under the table.
- Look through the EQE Study Guide for other tips
- Photo identification (Passport or drivers license)
- several black or blue pens (we hear that gel-pens are preferred, but they can run out quickly)
- no electronic devices: only a wrist watch with an analogue display (and without any additional options) is allowed on your desk during the exam.
- correction roller
- highlighters for use when reading the exam paper (don't use blue on anything that will be handed in as it will not copy well)
- Pre-Exam only: 1-2 black medium soft HB pencils + suitable eraser + pencil sharpener
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