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ItC => no ticket for you! |
- I am keeping my fingers crossed for all 2023 candidates 🤞🤞🤞.
- If you had any issues with any exam that affected you efficiency, or it was not inline with your expectations, please file a complaint. Formally, complaints must be formally filed no later than midnight on the day of the exam you are complaining about. Even if you have miss the formal deadline, submit all complaints that could affect your marking or performance as quickly as possible to helpdesk@eqe.org.
- You can also give a reason why you were not able to submit immediately after the exam, such as tiredness or needing to prepare for the next exam. Also realise that by filing a complaint, you keep your options open regarding an appeal. The first thing that is checked by the Disciplinary Board is whether you complained promptly after the exam. You are also creating a record while it is fresh in your mind. Even if it is something that you might feel is your fault, remember that the conditions under which you are taking the exam have been 100% determined by the EQE organisation and that you have no choice but to do it that way. Any issue that you may have is directly caused by these conditions.
- Some tips for the e-mails from case law:
- turn on the automatic read receipt confirmation
- ask them to confirm receipt
- ask them also to confirm that the email has been forwarded to the Examination Board
- explain why you were not able to submit the complaint on the same day of the exam
- keep bugging them until you get the confirmations.
- My suggestions to candidates after the eEQE
- Celebrate - you survived the third eEQE 🥇
- Put your TAB and WINKEY caps back 😀
- Manually uninstall Lockdown Browser: in Windows, it is found in the start menu under Respondus
- Be suspicious of any emails mentioning WISEflow or Lockdown Browser or Respondus. if you get any emails about "updates" of the Lockdown Browser, do not click on them. Only update through WISEflow.
- Preferably unplug all the extra cameras and microphones. Or at least cover the cameras when not in use.
- Take a couple of days off and celebrate 😉
- Don't read blog posts about model answers. They are usually made by EQE nerds who made the exams under relaxed conditions. They could still be wrong. Even if it is a perfect answer, no-one knows where all the marks will be awarded.
- The marking sheets are only finalised after the exam following discussions within the committees about what to accept and what not. For example, if there was an issue almost no-one dealt with, they usually compensate by awarding marks for something else that most people got. The exams usually have built-in fail-safes, so if you miss something, you will not lose marks everywhere.
- I heard some very disturbing news that candidates were not allowed late entry to the flows under any conditions. It was suggested that the Instructions To Candidates (ItC) have been amended on that point. In the version of Dec 2022 on the EPO website (why has these Instructions not been published in the OJEPO before the exam?):
- I. General
- 2. Candidates must enter the online examination environment as stipulated in point IV below at the official start time
- 4. Candidates who enter the online examination environment after the official start time of a particular examination paper or paper part may not make up the lost time at the end.
- 5. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the online examination environment more than 15 minutes after the official start of each examination part (flow).
- IV. Preparation and start of the examination
- 8. After completing the above steps, candidates must immediately launch the lockdown browser. The lockdown browser launch procedure should be run at the start of the examination but must be completed no later than 15 minutes after the examination start time. Otherwise, candidates will not be able to enter the flow and sit the respective paper or part thereof.
- Note that in the last version that was actually published in the OJEPO before EQE 2023 (OJ 2022, A20), these sections read:
- I. General
- 4. Candidates who fail to log on to the FLOWlock browser by the official start time of a particular examination paper or part of a paper may not make up the lost time at the end unless, in exceptional cases, the invigilators decide otherwise.
- IV. Preparation and start of the examination
- 8. After completing the above steps, candidates must immediately launch the FLOWlock browser. The FLOWlock browser launch procedure must be completed no later than 15 minutes after the examination start time. Otherwise, candidates will not be able to sit the EQE.
- It is not clear to me from either version that this is a hard deadline which cannot be overruled in certain circumstances. Candidates can only take this exam 1x per year - if they are casually denied entry, their careers can be jeopardised and they can be severely demoralized.
- In at least one case, the candidate contacted the invigilators who stated that late entry was not allowed because they had printed out the materials and could have passed them on to someone else. So, the candidate was prima facie accused of cheating without any evidence or chance to defend themselves, and not allowed into the flow at all.
- It reminds me of the infamous Munich ticket machines pictured above that randomly don't accept credit cards, bank notes over 20 Euros, coins etc, and guide you through endless menus only to reset if you take too long to choose. No ticket for you!
- This absolute exclusion cannot be true - the normal procedure should be that the candidate is allowed to do the the exam and the "suspicious" situation is reported to the Examination Board.
- It is clear in ItC IV. Misconduct (OJ 2022, A20) only the Examination Board is allowed to take a decision regarding cheating, not the Secretariat:
- 3. Suspicious events during the examination pointing to potential cheating, e.g. suspicious looks in a particular direction, that are detected during the retrospective review of the video and audio recordings can be punished by the Examination Board under Rules 19 and 20 IPREE. The Examination Board may do so even after the examinations have been marked and the results published.
- 4. Other breaches of the instructions may also lead to consequences for candidates and may attract further consequences under Rules 19 and 20 IPREE.