Friday, March 5, 2021

e-EQE - C 2021 (D/E): copy to try, last exam, few technical problems

Updated 7 Mar 21 with status picture. Updated 6 Mar 21 with extra comments on C. Updated 5 Mar 21 with WISEflow unavailable picture :-)
Today was the e-EQE C Exam. I have extracted the claims of the patent as granted and added them to the printable files. I have also put the claims at the end of each part to simulate exam conditions - DE versionEN version (sorry no FR), The official compendium versions will be available next week.

  • I have not made it yet, but check the Telegram groups for some discussions and comments. Today there were not a lot of discussions - most seem to be happy to have survived the first eEQE, and to start the weekend early. Some discussion about the length and complexity. See below for some comments on the problems.
  • No widespread technical issues πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

1. Thanks to the EQE organisation, and good luck with the marking
  • Thanks to all the invigilators, helpdesk staff, EQE secretariat members, and epi/EPO members who have been working tirelessly for the last few months to make it happen. Even under pretty stressful conditions (on both sides), the majority of candidates said that they felt listened to and helped πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘. 
    • it seems that the general experience during the C exam that everything was running smoothly πŸ’ͺ.
  • And good luck to those involved in the marking - at least you will not have to struggle with poor handwriting any more πŸ˜‰, although there are a lot of spelling mistakes and copy/paste errors to puzzle over.

2. My suggestions to candidates after the eEQE
  • You survived the historic first eEQE πŸ₯‡
  • Put your TAB and WINKEY caps back πŸ˜€
  • Manually uninstall Lockdown Browser: in Win10, it is found in the start menu under Respondus
    • be suspicious of any emails mentioning WISEflow or Lockdown Browser
    • if you get any emails about "updates" of the Lockdown Browser, do not click on them
  • ... actual screenshot of WISEflow (5 Mar 21 2330) - EQE candidates got their revenge πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸ’£, or at least "broke" WISEflow
  • ... and the status page on Friday indicated that the last major incident was 3 days ago (Tues was also the "D1 incident")
  • Preferably unplug all the extra cameras and microphones. Or at least cover the cameras when not in use.
  • Take a couple of days off and celebrate as much as you can respecting your local lockdown rules πŸ˜‰
  • Don't read blog posts about model answers. They are usually made by EQE nerds who made the exams under relaxed conditions. They could still be wrong. Even if it is a perfect answer, no-one knows where all the marks will be awarded. 
  • The marking sheets are only finalised after the exam following discussions within the committees about what to accept and what not. For example, if there was an issue almost no-one dealt with, they usually compensate by awarding marks for something else that most people got. The exams also have built-in fail-safes, so if you miss something, you will not lose marks everywhere. 

3. Telegram chat groups

  • The main group has 285 members, for general issues and WISEflow + LockDown Browser + Zendesk issues. The (ABC+PE claims analysis) group has 159 members, the (D+PE legal) group has 131 members, and the summer study group for EQE 2022 preparation already has 81 members. Now also a EQE Marketplace if you want to sell or buy EQE materials.
    • Started for students to discuss with others, but completely open to any tutors from any organisation who want to just read or join the discussions. 
    • If you have just done an exam, only discuss the answers if you can really take it. For most people, it is better not to discuss - you can't change your answer, no-one knows what the marking will be for particular answers (Main Exam) and sometimes more than one Pre-Exam answer is accepted. 
    • Group rules: no discussions of ways to cheat, no exchanges of large sections of copyrighted materials (excerpts, annotated examples, WIPO/EPO docs etc. are allowed), no requesting or sharing of exam materials until after the scheduled end of the last part of that exam, no requesting or sharing of invigilator password.

4. WISEflow, before the exam, after the exam
  • At least one person noticed that the pdf of their D1-Part 1 and D2 answers was missing statements and even had a blank page. It is not clear how widespread it is, but it is advisable to check (while you remember) whether it is complete after the exam.
    • I have not seen any messages about problems after the A, B or C Exams
  • The copy of the answer from Part 1 was available very quickly in WISEflow πŸ‘. 

5. LockDown Browser

  • No widespread technical issues πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  • Wednesday, after the widespread problems D1-Part 1, the Examination Board issued a very clear unambiguous commitment to ease candidates minds:
  • On the official e-EQE page, a message from Examination Board (3 Mar 21):
    • The Examination Board of the EQE is aware of a situation that affected paper D1.1. The Examination Board guarantees that the marking process will be conducted so that no candidate will be disadvantaged because of that.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  • Problems seen when handing-in answers at the end of D2 (quoted from Telegram chat)
    • No problems reported for C-1 and C-2.
  • Copy/paste from the C Exam did not retain the formatting at all, and CTRL-SHIFT-V or the remove formatting button removed line breaks and a lot of spaces between words.
    • copy/paste is a major advantage of an online exam. It is disappointing that this cannot be made to function properly

    6. Reporting complaints & problems to
    • See here for post about Instructions to Candidates
      • ItC 11- email complaints regarding conduct as soon as possible, but no later than end of day of the exam. ItC 39 - email report on any disruptions during exam for which candidates are not responsible or which are beyond their control within 24 hrs of end of exam.
    • The EQE organisation is well aware of many issues, and general issues affecting large numbers of people will be taken into account during the marking. However, they may not be aware how a disruption or incident has affected an individual candidates performance. The idea of reporting is to give them a chance to consider whether to take it into account during the marking. They may also not realise how a positive thing for many (30 mins extension) could have a negative effect on an individual.
    • As an emails need to be sent very quickly, and most candidates are pretty tired after the exam, I worked with Preston Richard (Bardehle Pagenberg) to make a complaint template with some of the possible things you may wish to mention (we collected them from the blogs and chats). It may also reduce the number of emails from each candidate.
      • But don't just copy everything and send it - it must be personalised to explain your situation and experiences.
    CLICK BELOW FOR COMMENTS ON C (no spoilers) 

    e-EQE - B 2021 (D/E/F): copy to try yourself, very long exam, few technical problems

    😱Update 6 Mar 21: note added on formatting.
     Yesterday was the e-EQE B Exam. Sorry for the delay, but I was waiting for the compendium version. They are being put online the day after the exam πŸ‘. It is difficult to extract 13 non-printable pages, and there were complaints about the formatting, so I wanted to check. I have slightly amended them by putting the online only pages at the end to simulate exam conditions - DE version, EN version, FR version

    • I was dreading this exam as it was the worst to do online due to the large amount of unprintable pages, and the frequent need to compare parts of the exam. 
    • I have not made it yet, but check the Telegram groups for some discussions and comments. There were certainly a lot of discussion about the length and complexity yesterday. See below for some comments on the problems.
    • For any one who struggled and feels desperate, remember that the final marking (what is required, accepted, what is not accepted and any deductions) still has to be finalised. They fine tune everything based on how the paper was made by a large number of candidates. 
    • Answers posted on blogs are often made by 2-3 nerds who spend several hours doing it, and usually represents a theoretical answer. But it could be wrong, the number of marks to be awarded is unknown, and other solutions could be accepted.
    • No widespread technical issues πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    1. Telegram chat groups

    • The main group has 284 members, for general issues and WISEflow + LockDown Browser + Zendesk issues. The (ABC+PE claims analysis) group has 154 members, the (D+PE legal) group has 130 members, and the summer study group for EQE 2022 preparation already has 79 members. Now also a EQE Marketplace if you want to sell or buy EQE materials.
      • Started for students to discuss with others, but completely open to any tutors from any organisation who want to just read or join the discussions. 
      • If you have just done an exam, only discuss the answers if you can really take it. For most people, it is better not to discuss - you can't change your answer, no-one knows what the marking will be for particular answers (Main Exam) and sometimes more than one Pre-Exam answer is accepted. 
      • Group rules: no discussions of ways to cheat, no exchanges of large sections of copyrighted materials (excerpts, annotated examples, WIPO/EPO docs etc. are allowed), no requesting or sharing of exam materials until after the scheduled end of the last part of that exam, no requesting or sharing of invigilator password.

    2. WISEflow, before the exam, after the exam
    • Some problems accessing exams for printing before the exam (the links do not appear), so some candidates could only read the pages online during the exam
      • Helpdesk answer: ".. participant’s computer has changed its external IP addresses from when they last refreshed the page in WISEflow (flow overview)". Refreshing only the flow page (where the download links are visible) is not enough.
      • Solution (1) from helpdesk: Reload (Refresh in browser or CTRL F5) of flow overview page in WISEflow
      • Solution (2) from participant (if (1) does not work): logout and back in to WISEflow
    • At least one person noticed that the pdf of their D1-Part 1 and D2 answers was missing statements and even had a blank page. It is not clear how widespread it is, but it is advisable to check (while you remember) whether it is complete after the exam.
      • I have not seen any messages about problems after the A or B Exams

    3. LockDown Browser

    • No widespread technical issues πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
    • A lot of individual issues with the Browser crashing. In spite of sometimes losing up to 20 mins, and requesting extra time, a number of people reported that the request was denied.
    • Wednesday, after the widespread problems D1-Part 1, the Examination Board issued a very clear unambiguous commitment to ease candidates minds:
    • On the official e-EQE page, a message from Examination Board (3 Mar 21):
      • The Examination Board of the EQE is aware of a situation that affected paper D1.1. The Examination Board guarantees that the marking process will be conducted so that no candidate will be disadvantaged because of that.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
    • Problems seen when handing-in answers at the end of D2 (quoted from Telegram chat)
      • Could not submit because of "connection error". System message gets you nowhere as everything is greyed out. 
      • Told by Zendesk to refresh. They said it's a common issue. System overload as everyone submits at the same time (and the D-2 has a larger data volume). 
      • Also seen when handing-in A and B. So expected for C-1 and C-2.

      4. Reporting complaints & problems to
      • See here for post about Instructions to Candidates
        • ItC 11- email complaints regarding conduct as soon as possible, but no later than end of day of the exam. ItC 39 - email report on any disruptions during exam for which candidates are not responsible or which are beyond their control within 24 hrs of end of exam.
      • The EQE organisation is well aware of many issues, and general issues affecting large numbers of people will be taken into account during the marking. However, they may not be aware how a disruption or incident has affected an individual candidates performance. The idea of reporting is to give them a chance to consider whether to take it into account during the marking. They may also not realise how a positive thing for many (30 mins extension) could have a negative effect on an individual.
      • As an emails need to be sent very quickly, and most candidates are pretty tired after the exam, I worked with Preston Richard (Bardehle Pagenberg) to make a complaint template with some of the possible things you may wish to mention (we collected them from the blogs and chats). It may also reduce the number of emails from each candidate.
        • But don't just copy everything and send it - it must be personalised to explain your situation and experiences.

      Thursday, March 4, 2021

      e-EQE - A 2021 (EN & DE): copy to try yourself, few technical problems

      Yesterday was the e-EQE A Exam. If you want to try yourself, see here for complete copies with first the printable parts and the online only parts. The online parts have been extracted from answers, so they may not be perfect. The font is also quite small (would normally be 7 pages). A 2021 - complete (EN) and A 2021 - complete (DE). Sorry, I had no French answer to work with. The EPO normally makes official copies available in the compendium in the week after the EQE. 

      • I have not made the paper yet, but check the Telegram groups for some discussions and comments. There were certainly a lot of discussion about different answers yesterday.
      • No widespread technical issues πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

      1. Telegram chat groups

      • The main group has 265 members, for general issues and WISEflow + LockDown Browser + Zendesk issues. The (ABC+PE claims analysis) group has 135 members, the (D+PE legal) group has 124 members, and the summer study group for EQE 2022 preparation already has 71 members. Now also a EQE Marketplace if you want to sell or buy EQE materials.
        • Started for students to discuss with others, but completely open to any tutors from any organisation who want to just read or join the discussions. 
        • If you have just done an exam, only discuss the answers if you can really take it. For most people, it is better not to discuss - you can't change your answer, no-one knows what the marking will be for particular answers (Main Exam) and sometimes more than one Pre-Exam answer is accepted. 
        • Group rules: no discussions of ways to cheat, no exchanges of large sections of copyrighted materials (excerpts, annotated examples, WIPO/EPO docs etc. are allowed), no requesting or sharing of exam materials until after the scheduled end of the last part of that exam, no requesting or sharing of invigilator password.

      2. WISEflow, before the exam, after the exam
      • Some problems accessing papers for printing before the exam (the links do not appear), so some candidates could only read the pages online during the exam
        • Helpdesk answer: ".. participant’s computer has changed its external IP addresses from when they last refreshed the page in WISEflow (flow overview)". Refreshing only the flow page (where the download links are visible) is not enough.
        • Solution (1) from helpdesk: Reload (Refresh in browser or CTRL F5) of flow overview page in WISEflow
        • Solution (2) from participant (if (1) does not work): logout and back in to WISEflow
      • At least one person noticed that the pdf of their D1-Part 1 and D2 answers was missing statements and even had a blank page. It is not clear how widespread it is, but it is advisable to check (while you remember) whether it is complete after the exam.
        • I have not seen any messages about problems after the A Exam

      3. LockDown Browser (many comments posted under PE 2021 post and in Telegram chats)

      • No widespread technical issues πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
      • Yesterday, after the widespread problems D1-Part 1, the Examination Board issued a very clear unambiguous commitment to ease candidates minds:
      • On the official e-EQE page, a message from Examination Board (3 Mar 21):
        • The Examination Board of the EQE is aware of a situation that affected paper D1.1. The Examination Board guarantees that the marking process will be conducted so that no candidate will be disadvantaged because of that.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
      • Problems seen when handing-in answers at the end of D2 (quoted from Telegram chat)
        • Could not submit because of "connection error". System message gets you nowhere as everything is greyed out. 
        • Told by Zendesk to refresh. They said it's a common issue. System overload as everyone submits at the same time (and the D-2 has a larger data volume). 
        • So be aware of this for A,B, C-1 and C-2

        4. Reporting complaints & problems to
        • See here for post about Instructions to Candidates
          • ItC 11- email complaints regarding conduct as soon as possible, but no later than end of day of the exam. ItC 39 - email report on any disruptions during exam for which candidates are not responsible or which are beyond their control within 24 hrs of end of exam.
        • The EQE organisation is well aware of many issues, and general issues affecting large numbers of people will be taken into account during the marking. However, they may not be aware how a disruption or incident has affected an individual candidates performance. The idea of reporting is to give them a chance to consider whether to take it into account during the marking. They may also not realise how a positive thing for many (30 mins extension) could have a negative effect on an individual.
        • As an emails need to be sent very quickly, and most candidates are pretty tired after the exam, I worked with Preston Richard (Bardehle Pagenberg) to make a complaint template with some of the possible things you may wish to mention (we collected them from the blogs and chats). It may also reduce the number of emails from each candidate.
          • But don't just copy everything and send it - it must be personalised to explain your situation and experiences.

        Wednesday, March 3, 2021

        e-EQE - D 2021 (EN & DE): copy to try yourself, and many technical problems

        Updated: 3 Mar 21 after message from Exam Board
        Yesterday was the e-EQE D Exam (still called Paper D even though no paper is used any more πŸ˜‰. If you want to try yourself, see here for combined EN & DE copy. The text was extracted from peoples answers (sorry, no French). The EPO normally makes official copies available in the compendium in the week after the EQE. 

        • I made the exam at the same time as candidates as a bench marker. The Examination Committees have 5 external people per exam, and the answers are used for Committee discussions. They do not directly influence the marking, but allow group discussions on what should and should not be awarded marks
        • See below for more detail. I have not discussed the content of the exam, and avoided any spoilers, but I will try and respond to comments on this post or in the Telegram chat about particular questions. Also check the Telegram groups for discussions and comments

        1. Telegram chat groups

        • The main group has 255 members, for general issues and WISEflow + LockDown Browser + Zendesk issues. The (ABC+PE claims analysis) group has 114 members, the (D+PE legal) group has 116 members, and the summer study group for EQE 2022 preparation already has 67 members. Now also a EQE Marketplace if you want to sell or buy EQE materials.
          • Mainly for students to discuss with others, but also open to any tutors. 
          • If you have just done an exam, only discuss the answers if you can really take it. For most people, it is better not to discuss - you can't change your answer, no-one knows what the marking will be for particular answers (Main Exam) and sometimes more than one Pre-Exam answer is accepted. 
          • Group rules: no discussions of ways to cheat, no exchanges of large sections of copyrighted materials (excerpts, annotated examples, WIPO/EPO docs etc. are allowed), no requesting or sharing of exam materials until after the scheduled end of the last part of that exam, no requesting or sharing of invigilator password.

        2. WISEflow, before the exam, after the exam
        • Own answers were available 45 mins (could also have been earlier) after the scheduled end of the last part (as promised) πŸ‘
        • At least one person noticed that the pdf of their answer was missing pages. It is not clear how widespread it is, but it is advisable to check (while you remember) whether it is complete

        3. LockDown Browser (many comments posted under PE 2021 post and in Telegram chats)

        • After starting LockDown Browser for Part 1 at 0930, the assignment (exam) was only available in German. The selection menu at the top of the thumbnail was missing. So, it was only German in both the preview window and in separate tabs
          • I immediately refreshed the Browser, and the menu reappeared, so I only lost 3-4 minutes.
          • However, refresh did not work for everybody, or it only worked after 20 minutes, or they had to restart the Browser. Someone said that the Zendesk queue was 1100 people 😭
          • At 1020, a message popped up to say that everyone had been given an extra 10 minutes to compensate. My exam countdown clock did not change
          • At 1045 (15 minutes before the scheduled end), a second pop up saying that everyone had been given an extra 30 mins, but that the break was reduced from 30 mins to 20 mins, and Part 2 would start at 1150 instead of 1130. The D2 schedule in the afternoon did not change, so the break after Part 2 was reduced from 45 mins to 25 mins. 
          • I saw that my countdown clock had changed, but I handed-in at 1103 voluntarily because I was benchmarking
        • It is very positive that the EQE organisation were able to react so quickly to help those still working on the exam πŸ‘. However, there were still some issues:
          • not everybody's clocks were extended, so they were forced to hand-in at 1105 ( the scheduled end). Some got reactions from Zendesk that they would be compensated for any issues.
          • Extending a 90 minute session to 120 minutes without breaks was a problem for some
          • It is pretty stressful when the start times change because you need to be there on time to log-in
          • Some people reported the same problem in D1-2 (Part 2)
        • Update: On official e-EQE page, a message from Examination Board (3 Mar 21):
          • The Examination Board of the EQE is aware of a situation that affected paper D1.1. The Examination Board guarantees that the marking process will be conducted so that no candidate will be disadvantaged because of that.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
        • Problems seen when handing-in answers at the end of D2 (quoted from Telegram chat)
          • Could not submit because of "connection error". System message gets you nowhere as everything is greyed out. 
          • Told by Zendesk to refresh. They said it's a common issue. System overload as everyone submits at the same time (and the D-2 has a larger data volume). 
          • So be aware of this for A,B, C-1 and C-2
        • Screen went white approx, 10mins before end of  Part 1 (quoted from Telegram chat, occurred during Pre-Exam)
          • Browser would not start for Part 2, so 10 mins late to get it to work. 
          • Froze again in the middle of part 2, and again 3 mins before the end of part 2, forced to reinstall lockdown browser each time
          • Both times answers had to be handed in afterwards as missed end time of exam.
          • Managed to get remote assistance from IT over lunch break πŸ‘. They removed loads of programs and checked IP addresses which fixed the issue.
          • Not sure what it was as didn’t happen in any of the mocks. Hope to have passed - it was very disruptive. 
        • Invigilators were very friendly and tried to help.πŸ‘

          4. Reporting complaints & problems to
          • See here for post about Instructions to Candidates
            • ItC 11- email complaints regarding conduct as soon as possible, but no later than end of day of the exam. ItC 39 - email report on any disruptions during exam for which candidates are not responsible or which are beyond their control within 24 hrs of end of exam.
          • The EQE organisation is well aware of many issues, and general issues affecting large numbers of people will be taken into account during the marking. However, they may not be aware how a disruption or incident has affected an individual candidates performance. The idea of reporting is to give them a chance to consider whether to take it into account during the marking. They may also not realise how a positive thing for many (30 mins extension) could have a negative effect on an individual.
          • As an emails need to be sent very quickly, and most candidates are pretty tired after the exam, I worked with Preston Richard (Bardehle Pagenberg) to make a complaint template with some of the possible things you may wish to mention (we collected them from the blogs and chats). It may also reduce the number of emails from each candidate.
            • But don't just copy everything and send it - it must be personalised to explain your situation and experiences.
          CLICK BELOW FOR MORE ABOUT D EXAM (no spoilers)

          Tuesday, March 2, 2021

          e-EQE - Pre-Exam 2021: copy to try yourself, and some technical problems

          Today was the e-EQE Pre-Exam. If you want to try yourself, see here for main copy with EN printable parts, and the printable parts in German and in French. Sorry - it is a bit of a mess, but the pages produced by LockDown Browser seem to be a little unpredictable. I also deleted the T/F answers, so you will not be influenced.
          The EPO normally makes good copies available in the compendium in the week after the EQE. 

          I have not made the paper yet, but check the Telegram groups for some discussions and comments

          • A number found it more difficult than exams of previous years
          • Having DE, EN, FR below each other is not so nice for reading, especially with claim sets and comparing with questions

          1. Telegram chat groups

          • The main group has 230 members, for general issues and WISEflow + LockDown Browser + Zendesk issues. The (ABC+PE claims analysis) group has 102 members, the (D+PE legal) group has 97 members, and the summer study group for EQE 2022 preparation already has 57 members.
            • Mainly for students to discuss with others, but also open to any tutors. 
            • If you have just done an exam, only discuss the answers if you can really take it. For most people, it is better not to discuss - you can't change your answer, no-one knows what the marking will be for particular answers (Main Exam) and sometimes more than one Pre-Exam answer is accepted. 
            • Group rules: no discussions of ways to cheat, no exchanges of large sections of copyrighted materials (excerpts, annotated examples, WIPO/EPO docs etc. are allowed), no requesting or sharing of exam materials until after the scheduled end of the last part of that exam, no requesting or sharing of invigilator password.

          2. WISEflow, before the exam, after the exam
          • Prior art documents were available 20 minutes before (as promised) πŸ‘
          • Own answers were available about 20 minutes after the scheduled end of the last part (as promised) πŸ‘

          3. Technical problems (Several reports of webcam issues)

          • a) Screen partially black due to failure in starting LockDown Browser. Problem seen in Mock1, reported to helpdesk, moved to cable connection instead of WiFi which seemed to help.
            • Contacted the invigilators and managed to enter Browser again using invigilator password after 20 min or so
          • b) Laptop with external monitor and external webcam. All worked fine in the Mocks. Before Pre-Exam, entry photo was no problem. But during exam, contacted by Zendesk and told that his webcam only took black photos. Candidate deactivated laptop camera in device manager, but didn’t help and he got contacted again. Not sure how it was solved
            • it seems likely that LockDown Browser later defaults back to camera selected automatically default in screen to take entry photo
            • some suggested disabling internal webcam in software if you have this setup
            • one tried unplugging USB plug of webcam and this helped

          • c) Laptop with Win 10, external monitor and external webcam, laptop lid closed during exam, all screen savers, lock screens, energy saving modes etc turned off, privacy settings adjusted accordingly and webcam given full access to apps, including desktop apps. During system tests in Wiseflow, Mocks 2 & 3, no apparent problems, 
            • During Pre-Exam, entry photo successful. In Part 2, contacted via zendesk, and told that cam not working correctly. Could not solve issue, allowed to carry on. 30 mins before Part 3, in contact with technical expert => disabled integrated webcam of my laptop, did Part 3 without interruption. In part 4, contacted again as camera sending black photos, i.e. the same problem as before. It seems as if laptop and external webcam is a known problem. => opened lid, but no change. Allowed to complete Part 4.
            • All invigilators very friendly and tried to help.πŸ‘ Still it cost a lot of nerves and time.

          4. Invigilation

          • Many positive reports that contact was made quickly πŸ‘
          • However sometimes delay (15 mins) when there was a technical issue, or when getting the invigilator password 
          • For refreshing Zendesk chat every 30 minutes, one candidate indicated that a refresh option will be visible on the chat when it can be done