Updated 7 Mar 21 with status picture. Updated 6 Mar 21 with extra comments on C. Updated 5 Mar 21 with WISEflow unavailable picture :-)
Today was the e-EQE C Exam. I have extracted the claims of the patent as granted and added them to the printable files. I have also put the claims at the end of each part to simulate exam conditions - DE version, EN version (sorry no FR), The official compendium versions will be available next week.- I have not made it yet, but check the Telegram groups for some discussions and comments. Today there were not a lot of discussions - most seem to be happy to have survived the first eEQE, and to start the weekend early. Some discussion about the length and complexity. See below for some comments on the problems.
- No widespread technical issues πππ
1. Thanks to the EQE organisation, and good luck with the marking
- Thanks to all the invigilators, helpdesk staff, EQE secretariat members, and epi/EPO members who have been working tirelessly for the last few months to make it happen. Even under pretty stressful conditions (on both sides), the majority of candidates said that they felt listened to and helped πππ.
- it seems that the general experience during the C exam that everything was running smoothly πͺ.
- And good luck to those involved in the marking - at least you will not have to struggle with poor handwriting any more π, although there are a lot of spelling mistakes and copy/paste errors to puzzle over.
2. My suggestions to candidates after the eEQE
- You survived the historic first eEQE π₯
- Put your TAB and WINKEY caps back π
- Manually uninstall Lockdown Browser: in Win10, it is found in the start menu under Respondus
- be suspicious of any emails mentioning WISEflow or Lockdown Browser
- if you get any emails about "updates" of the Lockdown Browser, do not click on them
- ... actual screenshot of WISEflow (5 Mar 21 2330) - EQE candidates got their revenge π£π£π£π£, or at least "broke" WISEflow
- ... and the status page on Friday indicated that the last major incident was 3 days ago (Tues was also the "D1 incident")
- Preferably unplug all the extra cameras and microphones. Or at least cover the cameras when not in use.
- Take a couple of days off and celebrate as much as you can respecting your local lockdown rules π
- Don't read blog posts about model answers. They are usually made by EQE nerds who made the exams under relaxed conditions. They could still be wrong. Even if it is a perfect answer, no-one knows where all the marks will be awarded.
- The marking sheets are only finalised after the exam following discussions within the committees about what to accept and what not. For example, if there was an issue almost no-one dealt with, they usually compensate by awarding marks for something else that most people got. The exams also have built-in fail-safes, so if you miss something, you will not lose marks everywhere.
3. Telegram chat groups
- The main group has 285 members, for general issues and WISEflow + LockDown Browser + Zendesk issues. The (ABC+PE claims analysis) group has 159 members, the (D+PE legal) group has 131 members, and the summer study group for EQE 2022 preparation already has 81 members. Now also a EQE Marketplace if you want to sell or buy EQE materials.
- Started for students to discuss with others, but completely open to any tutors from any organisation who want to just read or join the discussions.
- If you have just done an exam, only discuss the answers if you can really take it. For most people, it is better not to discuss - you can't change your answer, no-one knows what the marking will be for particular answers (Main Exam) and sometimes more than one Pre-Exam answer is accepted.
- Group rules: no discussions of ways to cheat, no exchanges of large sections of copyrighted materials (excerpts, annotated examples, WIPO/EPO docs etc. are allowed), no requesting or sharing of exam materials until after the scheduled end of the last part of that exam, no requesting or sharing of invigilator password.
4. WISEflow, before the exam, after the exam
- At least one person noticed that the pdf of their D1-Part 1 and D2 answers was missing statements and even had a blank page. It is not clear how widespread it is, but it is advisable to check (while you remember) whether it is complete after the exam.
- I have not seen any messages about problems after the A, B or C Exams
- The copy of the answer from Part 1 was available very quickly in WISEflow π.
- No widespread technical issues πππ
- Wednesday, after the widespread problems D1-Part 1, the Examination Board issued a very clear unambiguous commitment to ease candidates minds:
- On the official e-EQE page, a message from Examination Board (3 Mar 21):
- The Examination Board of the EQE is aware of a situation that affected paper D1.1. The Examination Board guarantees that the marking process will be conducted so that no candidate will be disadvantaged because of that.πππ
- Problems seen when handing-in answers at the end of D2 (quoted from Telegram chat)
- No problems reported for C-1 and C-2.
- Copy/paste from the C Exam did not retain the formatting at all, and CTRL-SHIFT-V or the remove formatting button removed line breaks and a lot of spaces between words.
- copy/paste is a major advantage of an online exam. It is disappointing that this cannot be made to function properly
- See here for post about Instructions to Candidates
- ItC 11- email complaints regarding conduct as soon as possible, but no later than end of day of the exam. ItC 39 - email report on any disruptions during exam for which candidates are not responsible or which are beyond their control within 24 hrs of end of exam.
- The EQE organisation is well aware of many issues, and general issues affecting large numbers of people will be taken into account during the marking. However, they may not be aware how a disruption or incident has affected an individual candidates performance. The idea of reporting is to give them a chance to consider whether to take it into account during the marking. They may also not realise how a positive thing for many (30 mins extension) could have a negative effect on an individual.
- As an emails need to be sent very quickly, and most candidates are pretty tired after the exam, I worked with Preston Richard (Bardehle Pagenberg) to make a complaint template with some of the possible things you may wish to mention (we collected them from the blogs and chats). It may also reduce the number of emails from each candidate.
- But don't just copy everything and send it - it must be personalised to explain your situation and experiences.